Interface TableFormatter

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface TableFormatter
Formatter that will format arguments as a table. This formatter is used when a parameter is annotated with the Table annotation.
See Also:
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    format(Object tableArgument, Table tableAnnotation, String parameterName, Annotation... allAnnotations)
    Generates a DataTable from a given table argument
  • Method Details

    • format

      DataTable format(Object tableArgument, Table tableAnnotation, String parameterName, Annotation... allAnnotations)
      Generates a DataTable from a given table argument
      tableArgument - the actual argument passed to the step method
      tableAnnotation - the annotation of the step method parameter
      parameterName - the name of the step method parameter
      allAnnotations - all annotations of the step method parameter, including Table
      a DataTable instance that defines how the table should look in the report