Class CasesTable


public class CasesTable extends Object
Represents multiple scenario cases as a table structure for simpler reporting.
  • Constructor Details

    • CasesTable

      public CasesTable(List<String> placeHolders, boolean withDescriptions, List<CasesTable.CaseRow> rows)
      Create a new CasesTable from its parts.
      placeHolders - the placeholders for the header
      withDescriptions - are descriptions included
      rows - the rows representing the ScenarioCaseModels
  • Method Details

    • placeholders

      public List<String> placeholders()
      The placeholders of the data table.
    • hasDescriptions

      public boolean hasDescriptions()
    • rows

      public List<CasesTable.CaseRow> rows()
      The rows of the table, not including the header.