Class Attachment


public class Attachment extends Object
Represents an attachment of a step. Attachments must be representable as a String so that it can be stored as JSON. For binary attachments this means that they have to be encoded with Base64. In addition, attachments must have a media type so that reporters know how to present an attachment.
  • Constructor Details

    • Attachment

      protected Attachment(String content, MediaType mediaType)
      Convenience constructor, where title is set to null
    • Attachment

      protected Attachment(String content, MediaType mediaType, String title)
      Creates a new instance of this Attachment
      content - the content of this attachment. In case of a binary attachment, this must be Base64 encoded. Must not be null
      mediaType - the mediaType. Must not be null
      title - an optional title, may be null
  • Method Details

    • getContent

      public String getContent()
      The content of the attachment represented as a string. Binary attachments must be encoded in Base64 format.
    • getMediaType

      public MediaType getMediaType()
      The type of the attachment. It depends on the reporter how this information is used.
    • getTitle

      public String getTitle()
      An optional title of the attachment. The title can be used by reporters, e.g. as a tooltip. Can be null.
    • getFileName

      public String getFileName()
      An optional filename for the attachment. Can be null.
    • withFileName

      public Attachment withFileName(String fileName)
      An optional filename for the attachment without the file type suffix. The name can be used by reporters.
    • withTitle

      public Attachment withTitle(String title)
      Sets the title and returns this
    • showDirectly

      public Attachment showDirectly()
      Directly shows this attachment in the report. By default, the attachment is not directly shown in the scenario, but referenced by a link.

      Note: This currently works only for images!

      JGivenWrongUsageException - if the attachment is not an image
    • fromBinaryBytes

      public static Attachment fromBinaryBytes(byte[] bytes, MediaType mediaType)
      Creates an attachment from a given array of bytes. The bytes will be Base64 encoded.
      IllegalArgumentException - if mediaType is not binary
    • fromBinaryInputStream

      public static Attachment fromBinaryInputStream(InputStream inputStream, MediaType mediaType) throws IOException
      Creates an attachment from a binary input stream. The content of the stream will be transformed into a Base64 encoded string
      IOException - if an I/O error occurs
      IllegalArgumentException - if mediaType is not binary
    • fromBinaryFile

      public static Attachment fromBinaryFile(File file, MediaType mediaType) throws IOException
      Creates an attachment from the given binary file file. The content of the file will be transformed into a Base64 encoded string.
      IOException - if an I/O error occurs
      IllegalArgumentException - if mediaType is not binary
    • fromTextFile

      public static Attachment fromTextFile(File file, MediaType mediaType) throws IOException
      Creates a non-binary attachment from the given file.
      IOException - if an I/O error occurs
      IllegalArgumentException - if mediaType is either binary or has no specified charset
    • fromTextInputStream

      public static Attachment fromTextInputStream(InputStream inputStream, MediaType mediaType) throws IOException
      Creates a non-binary attachment from the given file.
      IOException - if an I/O error occurs
      IllegalArgumentException - if mediaType is either binary or has no specified charset
    • fromText

      public static Attachment fromText(String content, MediaType mediaType)
      IllegalArgumentException - if mediaType is binary
    • plainText

      public static Attachment plainText(String content)
      Creates a text attachment with the given content with media type text/plain.
      content - the content of the attachment
    • xml

      public static Attachment xml(String content)
      Creates a text attachment with the given content with media type text/xml.
      content - the content of the attachment
    • json

      public static Attachment json(String content)
      Creates a text attachment with the given content with media type application/json.
      content - the content of the attachment
    • fromBase64

      public static Attachment fromBase64(String base64encodedContent, MediaType mediaType)
      IllegalArgumentException - if mediaType is not binary
    • getShowDirectly

      public boolean getShowDirectly()
      Whether this attachment is shown showDirectly or not
      See Also:
      • showDirectly