All Classes and Interfaces

Basic configuration for a report with an extendable interface The configMap should always be in a valid state and have all possible flags, except the optional ones without a default (like --help) For examples see AsciiDocReportConfig
This abstract class is the basic layout that includes the minimal functionality for reading/writing a report The following flags are predefined in AbstractReportConfig.createConfigOptions(): --format= --sourceDir= /--dir= --targetDir= /--todir= --title= --exclude-empty-scenarios=<boolean> --help / -h Everything has a default value.
Marks methods to be executed after the whole Scenario has been executed.
Marks methods to be executed after a stage has been executed.
Thrown when a field cannot be uniquely resolved by the name or type.
Interface for defining a formatter for a custom annotation using the AnnotationFormat annotation.
Allows arguments of step methods to be formatted with an AnnotationArgumentFormatter.
Interface for defining custom argument formatter using the Format annotation.
This annotation can be used to override the default representation for the items it was annotated with in the report.
Configuration for the AsciiDoc report.
This reporter provides the functionality for reading/writing a report in AsciiDoc format.
Provides a representation of a stage method, scenario or scenario class.
Represents an attachment of a step.
Marks methods to be executed before the whole Scenario has been executed.
Marks methods to be executed before a stage is executed, i.e.
General formatter to format boolean values.
Analyzes a report model and tries to infer which step method arguments match to which case argument.
Use to define a description provider for scenario cases.
Provides the description of a scenario case.
Represents multiple scenario cases as a table structure for simpler reporting.
Represents one case of a scenario.
Calculates a table representation for all cases of a scenario.
Defines a command line interface for use in ConfigOption with automatic help description generation used by ConfigOptionParser.printUsageAndExit(List) Instantiation through CommandLineOptionBuilder
An easier interface to instantiate CommandLineOption for use in ConfigOption
Represents the complete report model of all report files.
Defines a configuration for the report which can be from the command line, property or the environment Instantiated with ConfigOptionBuilder For use in AbstractReportConfig.additionalConfigOptions(List) and the generated object map in AbstractReportConfig(String...)
An easier interface to create ConfigOption for use with AbstractReportGenerator
Represents a configuration value
This interface can be injected into a stage using the ScenarioState annotation.
This interface can be injected into a stage by using the ScenarioState annotation.
Represents a data table argument.
A utility class to create data tables.
General formatter to format Date values.
A default formatter that merely use String.valueOf(Object), except for arrays where Arrays.deepToString(Object[]) is used.
A default formatter for Object types
Default RowFormatterFactory that evaluates the Table.objectFormatting() attribute to create a RowFormatter.
The default implementation to format a table argument
This annotation can be used to provide a description for a test class.
Methods of stages classes annotated with this annotation will not be intercepted by JGiven.
ScenarioTest that only takes two type parameters, where the first is used for combined GIVEN and WHEN and the second is used for THEN.
Etapa<SELF extends Etapa<?>>
Uma versão em português da classe Stage.
Etape<SELF extends Etape<?>>
Une version française de la classe Stage.
Marks fields to be expected by a scenario stage.
This annotation can be used to define an extended description for a step method or a test method.
Fase<SELF extends Fase<?>>
Una versión en español de la clase Stage.
Default implementation of the RowFormatter that uses the fields of an object as columns of the table
Factory for creating instances of FieldBasedRowFormatter
Marks a method which will be used as a preamble to the next non-filler stage method.
Allows arguments of step methods to be formatted with an ArgumentFormatter.
A special format annotation that uses the formatting known from the String.format method.
Interface for defining a global argument formatter.
Annotates elements that should be hidden in reports.
Marks a method as an introduction word of a step.
Marks an annotation to be used as a tag in JGiven reports.
This annotation can be applied to a test class to configure: Tags Global formatter Default As provider
This exception is thrown when JGiven tried to execute a used defined method, but the method could not be executed for some reason.
If this exception is thrown there is most likely a bug in JGiven.
This exception is thrown if a scenario state has been marked as required, but the state has not been provided.
This exception is thrown when JGiven tried to execute a user-defined method and that method has thrown an exception.
Thrown when JGiven was used in some wrong way.
Represents a (simplified) Media Type.
Represents the type of a Media Type
Allow to specify an identifiable format
Allow to define a set of identifiable formats (NamedFormat).
One usage of such set is to define formats for (part or all) fields of a bean.
Marks a step method to have nested steps.
Translates false to the word "not" and true to the empty word "".
General interface to format Objects to Strings
Marks methods of step definitions as not implemented yet.
Formats each row by just using the default formatting of an object.
Factory for creating instances of PlainRowFormatter
Generates a plain text report to a PrintStream.
AnnotationArgumentFormatter that is used by the POJOFormat annotation
A special format annotation to format POJOs
AnnotationArgumentFormatter that is used by the Formatf annotation
Formatter to use a Java format string to format arguments.
Marks fields to be provided by a scenario stage.
Step parameters annotated with this annotation will be put into quotes (" ") in reports.
Converts elements of the report model into standalone text blocks.
This is an interface to create a report based on command line flags
to create a custom report, extend this enum with the name of your choice
Handles a single ReportModel that has been read from a single JSON file.
Formats the rows of a data table.
Factory for creating ObjectRowFormatter instances
Marks fields to be Scenario rules.
Marks fields to be stage instances This is useful to reuse stages within stages.
Marks fields to be read and/or written by a scenario stage.
Base class for Scenario tests.
ScenarioTest that only takes a single type parameter that is used for all three step definition types.
Step parameters annotated with this annotation will be put into quotes (' ') in reports.
Stage<SELF extends Stage<?>>
Base class for Stages.
Useful base class for step definitions as it provides a StageBase.self() method to create fluent interfaces.
Marks a method to be used to provide an additional comment to the previous step.
A functional interface for defining ad-hoc steps.
Interface to create converter function to specify the to map the incoming command line argument to the object See AbstractReportGenerator for example definitions of ConfigOption If the conversion is not possible, return null.
Stufe<SELF extends Stufe<?>>
Eine deutsche Version der Stage-Klasse.
Marks the parameter of a step method as a data table.
Possible choices for the Table.objectFormatting() attribute.
Formatter that will format arguments as a table.
Factory to create a custom TableFormatter
A tag represents a Java annotation of a scenario-test.
Represents the configuration of a tag.
Is used as an attribute of the IsTag annotation to dynamically generate a description for an annotation depending on its value.
Is used as an attribute of the IsTag annotation to dynamically generate an href for an annotation depending on its value.
Total conversion function
Total conversion function
Not total, if the format parse fails it returns null
Total conversion function
Represents a part of a step.